The Work against Transgenderism is Far from Over
There has been a massive shift in cultural approval within the last two years. The Transgender movement no longer has unqualified and uncritical acceptance in mainstream culture. The battle is far from over, but it is encouraging to see recent moves by federal and state governments to protect the rights of women by prohibiting men from dominating women’s sports, etc. However, although there are encouraging cultural signs right now, we need to understand that Transgenderism itself is based in a secular worldview, which is actually based in evolution.

Tracing the Connection between Transgenderism and Evolution
The Bible teaches that the Creator created the entire universe and everything in it within 6 days (Genesis 1). The Bible also teaches that the Creator has ultimate authority over the universe and governs it as He sees fit. Every creature within creation must ultimately submit to the Creator’s law governing that creation. This is a foundational rule that drives the Christian worldview.
In contrast, the worldview of evolution emphasizes the absence of any design or Creator who gives law and direction. From this worldview, life originated through random chance and continues to evolve through the principle of natural selection. The concept of natural selection is also described in evolution as the survival of the fittest. This idea emphasizes the fact that, in evolution, those lifeforms that are best equipped to survive (i.e., the fittest) do survive. The survival of those who most deserve survival is the driving engine of evolution. As such, the driving ideas of evolution are inherently anti-Scripture.
It makes sense then, that for those who hold to evolution, there is no moral governance except the pursuit of self-fulfillment and self-pursuit. Autonomy is the natural outworking of evolution, because the individual is interested in what benefits them most. In many cases, this simply becomes a question of what makes the individual the happiest.
Applying the worldview of evolution to the issue of Transgenderism, if an individual wants to alter his or her body in a way that makes him or her happy, why would that be wrong? There is no moral guideline outside of an individual’s desire. If transitioning to male or female gives an individual an advantage or some benefit, why not? Transgenderism is simply the logical outworking of an evolutionary worldview that removes the Creator (who gives law and regulation to creation) and exalts the moral autonomous authority of the individual over sex and his or her body.
The Need to Recognize the Root Issue
Although it is encouraging to see some pushback against the Transgenderism craze, we need to recognize there are actually deeper issues that are in conflict. Scripture is clear that the Creator has designed two sexes, male and female (Gen 1:27). Furthermore, God is the one who designs each individual and determines their physicality (cf. Ps 139:13-16; Exod 4:11). In the biblical worldview, body and spirit are united into one grand and glorious creation of God. Therefore, men or women have no right to act contrary to their God-ordained sex (cf. Deut 22:5).
Obviously, there is a major difference between the Christian worldview and the worldview of evolution, and this worldview difference ends up being where the true battle lies. It is not enough to simply help people stop transitioning (although that is important because Transgenderism causes real harm to individuals). It is also important to attack the enemy worldview that promotes this kind of aberrational thinking. It is out of compassion for those who are deceived and suffering that Christians ought to speak with clarity about God’s design for His creation, and at the same time show the follies and problems with the evolutionary worldview.
Photo from Envato Elements
One Comment
Arnold Kriegbaum
non-believers mostly find the idea of even having a worldview to be something they have never considered. the world of Jordan Peterson parcing out the finest of the fine points of centuries of humanist thought is the .00001% of the world.
as christians, our espousal of a worldview that attempts to account for the entirety of the biblical call to righteous living with the Holy Spirits guidance is a very foreign concept to the non-believers. it is the evidence of our salvation for us and the face of the truth to others who will only be able to cling to the vestiges of the logical end result of evolution as you so well put it.
we are to lovingly show them there is another view.