The Book of Abraham and the Mormon Translation Problem

Mormons have a special place in my heart. The Mormons I have known have always been kind, generous, moral, and easy to talk to. I have enjoyed hanging out with them, and we have shared many mutual interests. But, even though I genuinely appreciate much about the Mormons I have known, that does not change the fact that Mormonism is a false religion that leads millions astray from the truth.
Mormonism believes in the inspiration of the Bible (like Christians), but they also embrace three other inspired books: The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price. Although each of these “extra” books is worth talking about in their own right, I want to briefly mention a significant issue concerning The Pearl of Great Price, specifically a part of its contents known as The Book of Abraham. Surprisingly, many of the Mormons I have talked to about this issue are not even aware of the significant problems The Book of Abraham poses to the integrity of the Mormon institution.
Historical Background to the Book of Abraham
The history of the Book of Abraham begins in July of 1835. The Documentary History of the Church (a Mormon record) gives the perspective of Joseph Smith in the following statements:
On the 3rd of July, Michael H. Chandler came to Kirtland to exhibit some Egyptian mummies. There were four human figures, together with some two or more rolls of papyrus covered with hieroglyphic figures and devices. As Mr. Chandler had been told I could translate them, he brought me some of the characters, and I gave him the interpretation… (235).
Soon after this, some of the Saints at Kirtland purchased the mummies and papyrus, a description of which will appear hereafter, and with W. W. Phelps and Oliver Cowdery as scribes, I commenced the translation of some of the characters or hieroglyphics, and much to our joy found that one of the rolls contained the writings of Abraham, another the writings of Joseph of Egypt, etc…. (236).
In sum, Joseph Smith and his followers purchased papyri that had Egyptian hieroglyphics on them. Then, Joseph Smith translated these papyri for the benefit of the Mormon community.
Joseph Smith’s translation of the Egyptian papyri resulted in five chapters. In these chapters, the story is told of Abraham’s journeys through Chaldea, Haran, Canaan, and Egypt. This is what Joseph Smith claimed the Egyptian papyri talked about.
The Egyptian Papyri after Smith’s Death
After Joseph Smith died, the papyri and other Egyptian artifacts came into the possession of Smith’s mother and her other son, William. They continued to display the artifacts until around 1856, the death of Smith’s mother. After Lucy Smith’s passing, some of the artifacts and papyri made their way to the Chicago Museum around 1863. Sadly, during the tragic Chicago fire in 1871 the museum and everything in it was destroyed.
It was thought at the time that all the papyri and artifacts were lost in the fire. However, it turns out that Abel Combs, the man who had taken over the artifacts and papyri after the death of Smith’s mother, had not sold everything to the Museum. Through a series of events, in 1960s one of the significant papyri made its way back into the hands of the LDS Church and was made available for examination.
Comparing Smith’s Translation with the Egyptian Papyrus
During the time of Joseph Smith’s translation, knowledge of Egyptian had not yet been revived. However, thanks to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 AD, that was quickly remedied at the turn of the 20th century. By the time the papyrus was “rediscovered” in the 1960s, there were plenty of Egyptian scholars available to double-check Smith’s translation. As the papyrus was reviewed by Egyptologists, they identified the text as dealing with a common Egyptian burial ritual. It had nothing to do with Abraham or his sojourning.
Significance of the Faulty Translation of the Book of Abraham
A comparison of the Book of Abraham (as contained in The Pearl of Great Price) with the Egyptian papyrus indicates Joseph Smith did not accurately translate the hieroglyphics. Rather, it appears he made up much of the “translation.” There are multiple insights to be gleaned from this observation.
First, if Joseph Smith could not translate Egyptian accurately, then his “translation” of the Book of Mormon cannot be trusted either. For those not familiar with the story, Joseph Smith claimed that the angel Moroni appeared to him and gave him golden tablets which contained ancient Egyptian on them. Yet, if Smith could not translate Egyptian, then the entire Book of Mormon is dubious.
Second, since Joseph Smith claimed to be a prophet of God, he is held to the standard of truthfulness expected of prophets (cf. Deut 18:20–22). Since he is demonstrably lying about his translation of the Egyptian texts, he should be considered a false prophet and a deceiver.
Finally, all of this leads to the inescapable conclusion that Mormonism is a faulty religion based on a false prophet, utilizing falsified holy writings. This is a serious charge, but one that is backed up by the evidence.
As I said at the beginning, I love my Mormon friends. This blog post is simply an attempt to reach out to my Mormon friends and encourage them to critically evaluate what the Mormon Church claims. In addition, I want to help my Christian friends to understand some of the significant problems that we ought to be talking to Mormons about. By God’s grace, perhaps we can point out some of the significant problems in Mormonism, and point people to the one true God.
photo credit: More Good Foundation Book Of Mormon via photopin (license)
Dwight Bird
I wonder how many rambling comments like mine you receive…
I think you just have to take the book of Abraham on its merits, as the Book of Mormon. Is there any instruction in them that you would consider unwise? Is there anything in them that truely contradicts the gospel of Jesus Chris as taught in the Bible (not details of events, but theology)? If there is a God that could create all of what we live IN. And if there is anything truely transcendental about our existence or God’s, then there is truely a LOT we don’t know! The first time I really thought about the book of Genesis and it’s description of the creation and events in the Garden of Eden, I thought that it had to be something that Moses saw in vision and is expectedly more symbolic than historically factual. I had the same thought when I saw the facsimile that Joseph Smith interpreted as describing or containing reference to the location in the universe nearest God’s abode, and the experience of Abraham on an alter being sacrificed by his dad. When taken literally, the writings on the walls of Egyptian toombs describe pagan rituals that can’t have anything to do with the theology of Christ. However, when taken symbolically, and treating the story of the Garden of Eden symbolically, there are similarities in the description of how the creation was done, and the symbolic function of, for example, a garden that can have rivers flowing out of it in four directions. Water only flows downhill. The source of water had to be in the garden. Christ or The Gods as refered to in the King James version of the Bible was not in the garden with the Tree of Life, He is the Tree of Life. There is podcast called The Ancient Tradition by Jack Logan. Maybe you know of it or at least many of her eeferences. She does a scholarly comparison of many (hundreds or more) traditions that point to a similar theology regarding God, the pre-creation, conquering dragons/serpents, and interaction of a son or subgod’s (Christ premortality as we understand from the Bible) interaction with a supreme God. They talk of a place and time where location and time don’t exist, and that something like Christ’s sacrifice needed to occur. When Christ left His apostles in the garden of Gethsemane, and went “a little further”, He, of necessity, went to such an infinite place/time, thus He could complete an infinite sacrifice, an infinite atonement. That is the theology of the Bible as I understand it. That is the theology of “Mormonism” (the church is trying to have people acknowledge the name of the church as identified when it was organized in 1830, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ya, that’s a really long name). Joseph Smith is/was a flawed man, and, as with any man you tries to do a significant work, probably made mistakes every day. That doesn’t diminish his role as a prophet. The same can be said of those who succeded him. Adam, Moses, Peter were flawed men too. Not one of us measures up.
Did Christ heal and cast out devil’s by the power of the devil? Neither are Mormons doing their good works by the power of the devil.
It’s Sunday, so, have a good Sabbath, and I hope you are weathering the hurricane okay. I’m sure there will be Mormons among those helping now and in the aftermath.
Peter Goeman
Haha, well it’s always pleasant to see the “rambling comments” :) I don’t have time to respond to your thoughts, unfortunately, but I did want to note that I read them and thank you for the attitude in which you engage. You are a blessing in the world of online engagement!