
Soul and Spirit: Is There a Difference?

Human beings are made in the image of God and are often referred to in terms of the physical (body) and the spiritual (soul and/or spirit). With regard to the spiritual realm, a pertinent question is whether soul and spirit refer to the same thing. Are humans made up of three parts: body, soul, and spirit? Or are human beings made up of two parts: body and soul and/or spirit? This is a difficult question, and I know people who hold different views. To discuss this issue, we must begin by surveying the biblical usage of these terms.

Looking at Spirit in the Bible

In the OT, the word for spirit (רוּחַ) can mean the following:

  • Wind or breeze (e.g., Eccl 1:17; 4:15, etc.).
  • Breath which gives life (e.g., Jer 10:14; Ps 135:17, Gen 6:17; 7:15, etc.).
  • Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit (Gen 1:2; Exod 31:3; 35:31; Num 11:29; Isa 30:28; 34:16, etc.)
  • Not as common, it can refer to angelic beings (cf. 1 Kings 22:21; 2 Chron 18:20).
  • The intellectual frame of mind, or the mind itself (e.g., Gen 26:35; Prov 16:18; Ps 34:19; Ps 51:4, etc.).

In the NT, the Greek word for spirit (πνεῦμα) has virtually the same meanings:

  • Wind blowing, or breathing (James 3:8; 2 Thess 2:8; Heb 1:7).
  • Breath which gives life, one’s life-breath (Matt 27:50; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59; James 2:26, etc.).
  • Holy Spirit (Mark 12:36; Luke 2:26; John 14:26; Acts 1:16; Eph 1:13, etc.).
  • More common than the OT, it can refer to angelic beings/demons (Mark 1:23, 26; 3:30; 5:2, 8; Acts 5:16; 8:7; 1 Pet 3:19).
  • One’s personality, their intellectual frame of mind (e.g., Phil 1:27; 1 Thess 5:23, etc.).

In comparing the OT and NT usage, the word for spirit is used similarly. It appears that when spirit denotes a human being it usually refers to the personality of the individual. We still retain that use today when we say, “He was mean-spirited.” Well, we mean that his personality was mean.

Looking at Soul in the Bible

In the OT, the word for soul (נֶפֶשׁ) has the following meanings:

  • Throat or neck (cf. Ps 63:6; 69:2, etc.)
  • Breath, that which makes up a living being (Gen 1:20; Lev 17:11; Deut 12:23)
  • Living being (animal) or a person (Gen 1:20, 24; Lev 24:17; Num 9:6, etc.)
  • Personality or life (Gen 27:19; Deut 21:14; Isa 1:14; Gen 19:17; Ezek 22:27).
  • The inner emotions or cravings of the soul (Song 1:7; 3:1-4; Hosea 4:8; Zech 11:8, etc.).

In the NT, the word for soul (ψυχή) has the following meanings:

  • Livelihood of a human or animal (Matt 2:20; Rom 11:3; John 10:11, 15, 17; Rev 8:9).
  • The center of emotions and feelings for man (Matt 26:38; Mark 14:34; Eph 6:6; 2 Pet 2:8)
  • A person/personhood (Acts 2:43; 3:23; Rom 2:9; 1 Pet 3:20, etc.).

Thus, in biblical usage, there seems to be an overlap between the usage of soul and spirit when referring to human beings. In fact, a proper distinction between soul and spirit is not always possible. Be that as it may, I think there are three observations that we can make in looking at the evidence.

Three Observations about the Usage of Soul and Spirit in the Bible

First, in general, spirit refers to the immaterial aspects of life, whereas soul refers to the whole of living itself (including the desires and emotions of life).

Second, when used together in certain passages (cf. 1 Thess 5:23; Heb 4:12), a strict distinction between soul and spirit is probably not what is being stressed. The entirety is likely what is being stressed. Have you heard the saying, “That is the heart and soul of the matter?” When we hear that saying, we do not assume that heart and soul are being used in juxtaposition to communicate a difference. Rather, we assume that heart and soul are used in unity to communicate entirety and completeness. Sometimes the Bible adds terms together for just such a purpose.

Third, biblical authors did not view human beings as divisible into soul/spirit and body. Scripture portrays the soul and spirit as an integral part of the person, and likewise, the body is intimately connected to the soul/spirit as an essential part of what it means to be human. The separation of the physical and spiritual seems to come from Platonic philosophy and not the Bible. The Bible always assumes a united personhood of immaterial characteristics (soul and spirit) along with material (body). Even in looking forward to the eternal state in the resurrection, the Bible is very holistically focused.

In conclusion, it seems that human beings consist of an immaterial and a physical aspect. The descriptions of soul and spirit seem to refer to the immaterial aspect of humanity. The similar range of meanings and the combined usage of soul and spirit point toward viewing these two concepts similarly within the biblical portrayal of personhood.

Peter serves at Shepherd's Theological Seminary in Cary, NC as the professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages. He loves studying the Bible and helping others understand it. He also runs The Bible Sojourner podcast and Youtube channel.


  • Joe Marchand

    Hi Peter,

    I’ve been listening to your podcast for a number of months now and have enjoyed your perspectives, your delivery, and the guests you have had on with you (in particular Matt Waymeyer and Mike Vlach). I’ve recommended your podcast to a number of friends. Regarding your article here; I see where you’re arriving at your conclusion but I’m still convinced of the spirit /soul being different. You reference Hebrews 4:12 which to me is the convincing verse, at least how I see and read it from the NKJV bible which uses the word to describe the Word of God as “powerful” . . . piercing even to the ‘division’ of soul and spirit.” My logic (which could be flawed) says if soul and spirit cannot be divided, then the Word of God is not powerful. I’m open to be convinced :)


  • Kathryn Arnold

    I needed to read this. At the outset, I thought of “love the LORD your God with all your…” and was prepared to argue the individuality of each element. I was uninformed… unaware of the way they blend in Scripture and unaware that my viewpoint was taken from Plato. Having read your article, it makes sense to me that me because, created in His image, the elements that comprise being human stand to be as inseparable as the persons of the Godhead… Father, Son, and Spirit. I’m a bit surprised to experience that in recognizing cohesion within my own being I am more in awe of the glory of God’s nature. 🤔 Or is it the nature of God’s glory?

    • Peter Goeman

      What a neat testimony of God continuing to refine us and bring us into a greater appreciation of His glory! Thanks for sharing this. May God continue to make us all more in awe of His glory!

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