• Christian Living,  Church

    Keeping the Church Healthy: How Discipline Fosters True Holiness

    Many people love going to church for the music, the fellowship, or the preaching. Ask them about essential elements of a healthy church, and you’ll probably hear about dynamic worship or warm community. What’s rarely mentioned, however, is a weird thing called church discipline—a practice that’s sometimes overlooked but is actually vital for a biblical congregation. Far from being outdated or harsh, church discipline helps preserve a church’s spiritual integrity, encourages repentance, and keeps believers anchored in God’s Word. The Three Marks of a True Church Little known to most people, the 1561 Belgic Confession offers three marks by which the true church is known: (1) preaching the pure gospel, (2) observing the sacraments (i.e., baptism and communion), and (3) practicing church discipline. Throughout church history, church discipline has been an integral component of God-fearing churches. However, a recent survey of pastors revealed that 55% of churches have never formally…

  • Apologetics,  Christian Living,  Old Testament,  Scripture

    Egyptian Wisdom Meets the Bible: Parallels Between Amenemope and Proverbs

    It often comes as a surprise to people when they realize that there are striking similarities between the content found in biblical wisdom books and certain ancient texts from surrounding cultures. Although Scripture is unique in its monotheistic worldview, there are some interesting overlaps in the Bible’s wisdom writings with other wisdom sources from polytheistic cultures. As Christians, what are we to make of these similarities? For our purposes, we can illustrate this phenomenon by comparing Proverbs with an Egyptian document called The Instruction of Amenemope, a collection of wisdom sayings that are clearly polytheistic in nature. There is a lot of thematic overlap in both. For example, both teach the concept that wealth is not everything. They also both admonish us to practice integrity and fairness in daily transactions, caution us against the fleeting nature of riches, and emphasize what we could call contentment. Here are some notable examples.…

  • Apologetics,  Christian Living

    Truth, Experience, and the Authority of Scripture

    It is very common in today’s culture to argue that experience is the ultimate authority. However, as I have written before, not only is it foolish, but it is dangerous to elevate experience as the determiner of truth. Additionally, Christians need to be adamant that lack of experience does not prohibit one from having an opinion or even speaking authoritatively on an issue. The ultimate authority can (and should be) the authority that is Scripture. Experience as the Preferred Pathway to Knowledge Experience tends to be elevated to a supreme status in our culture. It is common to hear arguments like, “You don’t know what it is like,” “You have not been there,” or, “You are not like me, so you don’t know.” Whether it is a culturally sensitive issue (like the racial minority decrying whites for not understanding their oppression), or an individual issue (like someone describing his or…

  • Apologetics,  Christian Living,  Culture,  Ethics

    What the Early Church Said About Abortion: Quotes from Christian History

    To be Christian is to be anti-abortion. From its earliest days, the church has stood firmly against the practice of taking innocent life, recognizing the unborn as precious creations made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This conviction is not merely a cultural stance but a foundational aspect of Christian faith, rooted in Scripture and upheld throughout church history. True Christianity is marked by obedience to Christ’s teachings and a commitment to the sanctity of life. While it may be easy for some to claim the name of Christ while supporting abortion, such a position contradicts both the clear teaching of Scripture (Psalm 139:13–16; Exodus 21:22–25) and the witness of early Christians who opposed abortion in the face of a pagan, life-disregarding culture. To follow Christ is to uphold life, defending those who cannot defend themselves. Christian Culture and Abortion Western cultures love to praise abortion. Case in point,…

  • Christian Living,  Church,  New Testament

    The Role of Confession in the Christian Life: Navigating 1 John 1:9

    Confession of one’s sin and repentance is part of coming to Christ. However, after salvation, is there a place for Christians to continue to confess their sins? Obviously it is an integral part of Christianity to believe that all sin (past, present, and future) has been dealt with by Christ on the cross. He has paid for all sin in full, assuring the believer of forgiveness and a future hope of eternity with Christ in heaven. So, is there any need to confess sin after conversion? A verse that is central to whether or not we should confess our sins after we are saved is 1 John 1:9. At first reading, 1 John 1:9 seems to imply that believers ought to confess their sins. However, some have argued that if 1 John 1:9 teaches believers are to confess their sins after conversion, then this would undermine the very heart of…

  • Christian Living,  Ethics,  New Testament,  Old Testament

    Feeling Guilty and Being Guilty Are Different

    According to the Bible, guilt is objective. Just because you feel guilty does not mean you have actually experienced guilt. On the other hand, just because you don’t feel guilty does not mean you have no guilt! Guilt is not an emotion, it is an objective status. You have probably heard people say things like, “Don’t you feel guilty?” Or, “I don’t feel guilty about that.” What they are actually talking about is what the Bible describes as the conscience. The conscience and guilt are related, but they are two separate concepts. The conscience is supposed to tell you when you have guilt, but sometimes feeling guilty can be confused with actual guilt. This is why it is important for the Bible to form our definitions. The Essence of Guilt According to the Bible The main word used to describe guilt in the Old Testament is asham (אשׁם). Within the…

  • Christian Living,  Church,  Culture,  Ethics

    A Christian Case Against Slavery Reparations

    Slavery reparations are a popular political move right now. In fact, the newest California budget includes 12 million for reparations. This generous move, which is about $6 per black resident of California, is the latest in political maneuvering to seize on the idea that reparations are the way forward to solving poor race relations. This conversation has really ignited over the last 5 years. When the culture takes aim at a topic, the Christian needs to be equipped to think through the issues from a biblical worldview. On the issue of whether slavery reparations are to be implemented, I think there are a couple issues to consider. First, slavery reparations would be a logistical nightmare. Although the issue is often painted as blacks needing to receive reparations and whites needing to pay reparations, that is a gross oversimplification. If the actual issue is slavery, one needs to consider the numerous…

  • Christian Living,  Culture,  Scripture

    The Dangers of Relying on Personal Experience

    Personal experience is currently regarded as the primary means of knowledge and truth in our culture. Whether it is the current issues of racism or LGBT rights, or it is something like biblical interpretation; personal experience is regularly elevated as the controlling determiner of truth. Take for example the following claims of experience: “Systemic racism must exist because I have experienced it.” “You cannot judge a transgender individual because you don’t have his experience. You don’t know what it’s like for him.” “I have had the experience of speaking in tongues; therefore, Scripture has to be interpreted to allow for speaking in tongues.” Now at the outset, I freely acknowledge the value of personal experience. Scripture clearly expects wisdom to be possessed by the mature because of their many days of experience (Job 12:12). Also, many of the Psalms are based on a response to personal experience. Further, our personal…

  • Christian Living,  Culture,  Misc

    The Parable of the Rich Young Influencer

    I was recently made aware of a forgotten text that has recently been discovered. It turns out that Jesus did indeed speak to contemporary issues about social media. It has been called the Parable of the Rich Young Influencer. Here is the text in full: And behold, a Gen Z young man came up to Jesus, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” The Gen Z young man said to him, “All these I have…

  • Christian Living,  Culture

    Dying to Self in a ‘Me-First’ Culture: The Christian Counter-Narrative

    I work with young adults on a weekly basis, and I am deeply concerned for the younger generation within the church. The next generation is being trained by the culture to live according to feelings and desires. Now feelings and desires are not inconsequential, but the Christian worldview is so much more holistic and purposeful. While the non-Christian culture promotes personal happiness and fulfillment as the ultimate pursuit, the Christian worldview understands the purpose of life is to glorify God through dying to self. All around us the culture promotes a world where the most important question is, “How does this make me feel?” We are always being fed the lie that life is all about pursuit of ease and comfort. Difficulty is to be avoided at all costs. Comfort and security are to be pursued at all costs. Our personal happiness is preeminent. We are told that unless we…