• Christian Living,  New Testament

    Understanding the Heart of Conflict: A Look at James 4:1-3

    Relationships are often described as beautiful, fulfilling, and life-giving—but anyone who has spent time with other human beings knows that conflict is bound to happen. The reality is that every relationship consists of two sinners, and where sinners are involved, sin inevitably follows. This truth can be discouraging if we do not properly understand the root cause of our conflicts. Thankfully, Scripture provides clarity on this topic. One of the most relevant passages addressing the source of conflict is James 4:1-3, and in this brief article, we will explore how James’s words shed light on the conflict we often experience in our relationships. 1. Conflict Comes from Within (James 4:1a) James begins his discussion by asking a pointed question: “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?” (James 4:1). Notice that he pinpoints the origin of conflict…