Most Read Posts in 2020
It is the end-of-the-year, which brings with it the semi-obligatory posts of most visited articles this year. So, here are the ten most read posts on the Bible Sojourner for 2020. #1 David as a Man after God’s Own Heart (1 Sam 13:14) This was the most visited post in 2020 by a lot! Apparently a lot of people are searching for, “What does it mean to be a man after God’s own heart?” #2 What Was the Population of the Earth Before the Flood? This was a post I wrote awhile back, but it is a topic that a lot of people are searching for. It is a short post, but I crunch some numbers and show that it is possible the population pre-flood was much larger than is normally realized. #3 Who was Darius the Mede in Daniel? This post is actually only the first part of a…