Does it Burn, or is it Exposed? (2 Peter 3:10)
Does it burn, or is it exposed in 2 Peter 3:10? Depending on which Bible translation you are reading, you could come away with a different perception.

Note, for example, the way various translations treat 2 Peter 3:10.
ESV | But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. |
NASB | But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. |
HCSB | But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief; on that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved, and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed. |
KJV | But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. |
What is going on here?
This is an issue of what is called textual criticism. Although criticism sounds bad, in this context it simply means textual evaluation. In other words, textual criticism is the means by which we evaluate which words are original, and which words are scribal additions (either intentional or unintentional).
In situations like 2 Peter 3:10, we examine what is called external evidence. External evidence means looking at Greek manuscripts and seeing which manuscripts say what. As an example of this, I have compiled a chart on 2 Peter 3:10 with the evidence below. Don’t worry if you can’t read it. Like Gandalf told Frodo, “There are few who can” (i.e., just skip it if you need to).
Reading | Translation | Manuscript Evidence |
εὑρεθήσεται | “It will be found/revealed” | א B K P 0156vid 322 323 1175 1241 1739txt 1852 18881 syrph, hmg arm |
οὐκ εὑρεθήσεται | “It will not be found/revealed” | copsa |
εὑρεθήσεται λυόμενα | “It will be found/revealed being destroyed” | î72 |
κατακαήσεται | “It will be burned up/consumed” | A 048 33 81vid 436 945 1067 (1243 1735 κατακαήσονται) 1292 1409 1505 1611 1739v r 2138 2298 2344 (2464 κατήσονται) Byz [L] Lect itir vgcl syrh, pal copbo eth geo slav (Cyril); Augustine |
If you can’t read the chart, basically what it says is that there are many Greek manuscripts that support the last reading on the list, κατακαήσεται (“It will be burned up,” from κατακαίω). The first option on the chart, εὑρεθήσεται (“It will be found/revealed”), also has a number of manuscripts that have it, but not as many as the “burned up” reading.
So what is going on here is that the NASB and KJV are using one Greek word, and the ESV and HCSB are using a different Greek word as the underlying verb. The ESV and HCSB side with the reading εὑρεθήσεται (“It will be found/revealed”) while the KJV and the NASB side with κατακαήσεται (“It will be burned up”).
How do we decide which word is the original?
In deciding issues like this, we must also look at the internal evidence. To do this, it is important to keep three considerations in mind.
- First, whichever reading is original is probably the reading that would explain how the other readings came to be.
- Second, the more difficult reading (i.e., the reading which does not make as much sense) should be highly considered. The reason for this is because scribes had a tendency to change difficult wording or ideas to easier words or more simple ideas. Thus, it is more probable that the difficult reading is what was originally written since a scribe was not likely to change something to make it more difficult to understand.
- Finally, it is normally the case that the shorter reading is preferred. This is because scribes often would expand readings to clarify things.
In this case, although κατακαήσεται (“It will be burned up”) has the most Greek manuscripts on its side, εὑρεθήσεται (“It will be found/revealed”) is actually supported by the Greek manuscripts that are dated earlier. Usually, if the manuscripts are dated earlier, then there is less probability that a scribe would add something in (because the early manuscript was copied fewer times than the later manuscripts).
Not only does the “it will be found/revealed” reading have the preference of earlier reading, it also is the more difficult reading. It is difficult to see how κατακαήσεται (“It will be burned up”) would be changed to εὑρεθήσεται (“It will be found/revealed”). But, if εὑρεθήσεται (“It will be found/revealed”) was the original reading a scribe may have changed that because it did not make as much sense to him. In the end, my vote goes with the ESV and the HCSB choice.
A Concluding Note
At this point some people panic and say, “That looks like a hard decision to make, can we ever know that we really have God’s words in our Bibles?!” Let me assure you that we can trust our Bible translations.
There are only a few difficult textual decisions like the one presented in this post. Most of the differences in Greek manuscripts are not even worth mentioning because it is easy to see that the copyist misspelled the word, or skipped a line on accident, etc. These few difficult textual conundrums do not affect the theology of our Christian beliefs.
We live in a time where we have access to thousands of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. As we continue to find more manuscripts and to study them more and more, we gain even greater certainty that God has preserved His Word, and that we do have access to the very words of God.
photo credit: Kylir via photopin cc
D. Edward Tench
Thanks, and hello! I enjoy your Bible Sojourner page on You Tube as well. I wrote a book entitled katabole kosmos because I believe virtually every lexicon and translation gets it wrong in all ten occurrences of the phrase. And katabole sperma is often rendered wrong in Hebrews as well. In short, I see the katabole kosmos as the tohu wabohu which God caused before the six day creation account (with Day One starting in verse 3). So, katabole [catabolization] is not synonymous with themelios [foundation] – which most English readers would never see. I’d love to know what you think about the eleven occurrences of katabole!
Alfredo Garcia
you say that our translations in English can be trusted; for the most part, I agree with you. thank you for helping me with this article; I now understand a little more about textual criticism and why the LSB is also right on the earth and it’s works will be found out one day. interestingly enough, I believe the same greek word for “found out” is used in the septuagint when elijah finds Ahab, and Ahab responds, “have you found me, my enemy? and elijah said, I have found you, because you have sold yourself to do evil I’m the sight of Yahweh”
but with ecclesiastes, I would disagree that we can trust how virtually all English translators have translated the Hebrew word “hevel” into vanity, meaningless, futility, abstract English words that all have negative connotations. i went to the plethora of translations available on bible hub and all of them had pretty much those terms.
I would encourage you to read Brian Borgman’s “don’t waste your breath: ecclesiastes and the joys of a fleeting life”. it is an exposition of ecclesiastes foreworded by Paul Washer. his argument is that “breath, mist, vapor” is the correct translation and goes into the history as to why it has always been translated as vanity (Jerome, when writing the vulgate, the Latin translation of the Bible, chose “vanitas”, where we get vanity from. the septuagint also was not helpful In translating hevel as “mataiotes”, a word that can mean empty, futility, purposelessness, a state of being without use or value, or transitoriness – the only word within its range that is close to what Solomon wanted convey – life is fleeting and not permanent under the sun).
his thesis and argument is that since havel of hevels, everything is hevel is used in ecclesiastes 1:2 and 12:8 (he says it serves as bookends) if we misinterpret that word, as it has been done by tradition, we’ll misinterpret the message of what he is saying in the entire book.
I know that it sounds rationale that ecclesiastes is a book showing how vain and futile life is without God and by seeing the futility of life we should turn to God. that is what has been preached for eons as a summary of the book.
but what if his intent was not to tackle the meaningless of life but the brevity of life and the pain, suffering, and agony that comes with it, how to thrive in it and not merely survive? hevel is for everyone; not just for wicked people. life is also fleeting for the son/daughter of God. the argument that life is vanity contradicts ecclesiastes 3:11 (he makes everything beautiful in its time); how can he make anything beautiful if it’s worthless, futile, meaningless, and vanity? it’s a direct contradiction. but he can make everything beautiful in it’s time even in a life that is fleeting.
I know this is a bit off the topic of 2 peter 3:10, but I just wanted to share this with you. God bless you and take care!
William Varner
And the NA28 follows the reading not found in any Greek manuscript – οὐκ εὑρεθήσεται – only in the Sahidic Coptic version (see above). This is what is called a conjectural emendation. Fortunately the SBL and Tyndale House GNTs have the best soppoeted reading, εὑρεθήσεται
Peter Goeman
I still remember struggling with the text for the first time in your Jude/2 Peter class. That was the first time I was introduced to the CBGM and some of the intricacies of textual criticism. Very thankful for that opportunity!