• Apologetics,  Old Testament

    Was Elijah Wrong? Looking at a ‘Failed Prophecy’ in 1 Kings 21 about Jezebel and Ahab

    The stories of the Old Testament sometimes contain difficult-to-swallow elements. One such story is the account of King Ahab, his wife Jezebel, and the stolen vineyard belonging to Naboth. This story, found in 1 Kings 21, reveals both the depths of human treachery and the certainty of God’s justice. It also offers a vivid look at how prophecy, geography, and historical context come together to shape our understanding of Scripture and prophecy. Although this is a relatively well-known story, there is a particular prophecy here that merits further consideration. Was Elijah guilty of false prophecy concerning the death of Ahab? The Background of Ahab and Naboth Whenever I’m in Israel, it is always one of the highlights to visit the Jezreel Valley. As long as it is a clear day (and not foggy), the views are breathtaking. It is easy to visualize many of the stories that occurred (and will…

  • Old Testament

    Elijah: a Man of God or a Coward?

    One of the most epic stories in the Bible is where Elijah squares off against the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18. There are 450 prophets of Baal, and just 1 Elijah. Yet through a dramatic display, Yahweh shows himself to be the true God, and Elijah convinced the people to slaughter the prophets of Baal (1 Kgs 18:40). After the contest, Yahweh brings rain upon the land, relieving a 3 ½ year drought. Ahab, the king of Israel, sees all of this. Then, he returns to Jezreel and tells Jezebel, his Baal-worshipping wife, what Elijah had done. She sends Elijah a message, in which she promises to make him like the prophets of Baal (i.e., dead). What is Elijah’s response? Actually, this is where there are two diverging ideas. One idea follows the majority of English translations and claims that subsequent to Ahab telling Jezebel about the Mount…