• Old Testament

    What Does it Mean to be Cut Off in the Bible?

    Throughout the Bible, there is a bit of a harrowing phrase that seems quite menacing. The Bible warns that, given specific circumstances, an individual, a family, or a nation will be cut off. But what exactly does it mean to be cut off? There have been at least five major theories as to what it means to be cut off. childlessness and premature death premature death caused by God capital punishment administered by a human court cessation of existence after death so as not to enjoy eternal life proclamation of God’s judgment A brief survey of the different contexts where the phrase “cut off” occurs is helpful in evaluating what this phrase means. The following list is borrowed from Stuart’s excellent commentary in the New American Commentary series (Exodus, 284). The Old Testament law stipulates the cut off penalty in the following instances: failure to practice circumcision (Gen 17:14) failure…